

The Way I know You
The Way I See
Beneath your Skin,
Your nakedness
From deep within

The You behind
Your rubber mask
How deep and real
It’s not a task

To look beyond
Your outerwear,
I dive down deep
Into despair

When I think
You don’t know
How to find what
Doesn’t show

How much I feel
In these depths of
My harshest wounds
From where I love

Every little thing
About your
Lovely inner being

I’m running out
Of time to get
Myself across your
Mind as yet

When we align
Against our pelts
In our Connection,
I would melt

Knowing you
The way I do,
Longing to share
My heart with you

Together finally
As a pair
This is my dream
I truly care

My Pain,
Just never goes away,
I think about you
Night and Day

So perfect for me
Two of the same
Joined at the heart
My true Twin Flame 🔥

This is how I see you!

© MorgyBear