

To the random person this letter has the opportunity of meeting,

How are you? And are you really okay?
I ask because I'm not. As I write this, my heart is heavy with the weight of unspoken emotions, and my eyes are brimming with tears that refuse to fall.
I refuse to cry however....so I shall ask a random stranger the question...how are you...and you can do it
just hold on solider

I'm lost in the labyrinth of my thoughts, searching for a way out of the shadows that haunt me.
The ghosts of what could never be, the whispers of what should have been, and the echoes of what will never come to pass.

But even in this darkness, I find solace in the thought that perhaps, somewhere out there, someone understands. Someone feels the same ache, the same longing, the same desperation to hold onto something that's slipping away.

If that someone is you, know that you're not alone. Know that your scars are seen, your tears are counted, and your silent screams are heard.

Take care of yourself, stranger. Hold onto hope, no matter how fragile it may seem. And when the night closes in, and the shadows come alive, remember that you're not alone in this fight.

You are seen. You are heard. You are loved.

Another random stranger
A soul adrift in the darkness.