

One Life Giving Way To Another.
The following is a dreamt poem
Apologies, it is exactly as I dreamt it, without editing!
I'm letting my subconscious mind have full control over what it wrote!

When I was typing out my nocternal ramblings, I noticed that in the night I had written down the word Myriad?? I cannot remember ever having used this word during my lifetime in fact I had to check my dictionary this morning for its meaning!!
What strange thoughts and memories must be wondering around in our repressed subconscious minds!!

Today I am no longer an innocent
the smile gone from my face
transformed by a myraid of experiences
etched deeply into my furrowed brow
a lifetime of realities to blame
time is soon running away from me

The surging incoming tide
bringing with it new life
before the receding tide
takes a spent life away in exchange
the end of life whispers to me
"do not overstay your alloted time"

The abundance of my life lived
behind me now for all eternity
eclipsing what little time remaining
now sadly lays before me
I can see the cracks in the earth's crust
formed by the creation of new life

My task, filling these cracks with my ashes
creating a solid Foundation
for all the generations that will follow
ironically it seems like only yesterday
that I was the new life created
our alloted time just seems to fly by

sadly everything I have learned in this life
my experiences instincts and intuitions
will soon crumble away to dust
along with me at my demise
only to be learned again
by those following after me.

© The Poetic Dinosaur🦖