

Incarcerated Dreams
Incarcerated souls, confined and worn,
By bars that bind, both seen and unspoken,
A life of longing, tears, and scars unorn,
A heart that yearns to soar, to leave the forsaken.

Eyes that search the skies, a glimmer to gain,
A light to guide, a beacon to sustain,
The will to dream, a fire that remains,
A spirit that refuses to be tamed or slain.

The sphere of freedom, a distant, shining sphere,
A world away from pain, from sorrow, from fear,
The bars that hold, a constant, galling sight,
A reminder of the life that's been denied, the light.

Yet still the heart beats strong, the soul still sings,
A hymn of hope, a paean to the wings,
That one day will unfold, and set the captive free,
To dance upon the wind, wild, untamed, and carefree.

© Bishal kalita