

Yearning Echoes
In the depths of my soul, a longing aches
For someone I can never embrace
A love that's out of reach, a dream
That taunts me with its distant gleam

In the still of the night, I lie awake
Pining for a touch I'll never take
Whispers of a love too far away
Forever out of my grasp, beyond my sway

My heart aches with an ineffable yearning
For a love that's forever turning
Just out of reach, slipping through my fingers
Like a fleeting dream that lingers

I yearn for a love that's beyond compare
A love that's always been there
But forever out of reach, just a shadow
A distant echo, a bittersweet sorrow

Yet still I long for that unreachable love
A yearning that I can never rise above
For in the depths of my heart, the ache
Remains, a love that I can never take.
© ericjayden