

🌿 Proximity
Poetry: Proximity
Poet: Jotsna Jari

Krishnachura doesn't want to be a partner
of the pain of being alone
Her flowers standing in the hot sun
becomes sad...
Glistening sand decorates himself
on the river bank
When it rains
Home will be random
Her chest cloth will fall off...
In fact, we all want closeness
No one can find happiness alone...
The lonely man also lives
near mountain... near the forest ...
The trees swing with birds
They wake up
to the song of birds.
Birds hide their faces
in the chest of tree
for many winter summer rains
We all keep closeness in chest pockets
and want to have a happy day.


[NB: The Krishnachura tree has beautiful red flowers. There are many Bengali myths and songs of Krishnachura flowers.]