

This Way
The beauty of your romance
Makes me to dance
The beauty of your dance
Makes me your romance

The beauty of your walk makes me walk the talk
The talk of your walk
Is the walk which makes the talk

The talk so full of wisdom
Me a Chanakya looks like a fool
That is the beauty of ur walk
That is the wisdom of your talk

No wonder the godess of learning
Where even lord Shiva
Walked the talk

In life u walked with me
Talked with me
And we did as what husband and wife do
Fought cajoled tore our hairs apart

But u always walked the talk
Summarising our life
Is truly momentus
Cause we both walked the talk

Im sure till the end of our day
We shall walk the talk when we first held hands and our first kiss

That promise of walking the talk is still happening
And truly indepted to u for
Me and u walking and talking

@M Krishna Bangalore
© M Krishna Bangalore