

Dream vs Reality
Money is growing from tree
There is not a single thing to worry
I can be anything or anyone
And I can do whatever I want

But then everything that I have dreamt of
Disappears when I wake up
And I feel so confused and irritated
When reality hits me

Dreams are an opportunity for us
To live the life that we actually crave
But it really depends on us whether we want
To keep that dream or turn it into a reality

Most people often get confused among reality and themselves
When they dream or think about something too much
Reality tells us how it is in this world
And we should be in charge of both dream and reality

I dream and write how I actually want my life to be
But everytime when I face reality
I leave that state of mind
And keep my eyes wide open

Are dreams are there to give us a break from reality?
Or reality is a reason to dream?