

What is love?
I asked the wind, what is love?
a mystery that beats, a sigh of fervor.
In the palette of time, colors that intertwine,
an enigma that embraces, where souls embrace.

It is the melody without score, that the heart composes,
an echo in eternity, where the soul is intoned.
In the silence of the gaze, unanswered questions,
love, poetry that manifests in the soul.

Is it perhaps a fire that burns on the skin,
Or a gentle stream that flows like honey?
In shared laughter or in sincere tears,
love, a riddle that reverberates in every being.

It is a journey without maps, an uncertain destination,
where two hearts intertwine their concert.
What is love? Lovers wonder in whispers,
an eternal dance, a bond that is pure and deep.

Dragonfly 🦋
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