

THE Year 2020
January the news was broken,
Covid had struck all had spoken.

February most still lived in denial,
To prove its existence we needed a retrial.

March there was death and doom worldwide,
Alone we must die with no one beside.

April brought more coffins to sight,
The virus claiming more and more outright.

May got better for some, it was time for others,
Desperately seeking to get answers.

June cases were at an all time high,
Left helpless, to their loved ones they couldn't bid goodbye.

July was hardly any better,
We still couldn't meet one another.

August some decided to fight,
Frustrated as ever waiting again to unite.

September parties and vacations began,
Many trying hard to alter Covids plan.

October more and more test positive,
The world still awaits a curative.

November people sit up realizing its powers,
As thousands of us it hungrily devours.

December will make one whole year,
Staying away from each other living life in fear.

© Maja Malhotra