

Pledge of Love
I love you the very moment I told you ...
I love you still, always have
and always will.

With all my heart I earnestly vow to be your lover and your friend
From this day onwards, til' the very end..
Respect, care, listen, to laugh and cry,
To keep you company until we die.

I love you with all your imperfections

I love you for who you are but also for the person I know you are not.

I love you for everything you have but also for all the things you haven't

I love you not only for what you can but also of what you cannot...

I love you not because of but despite of..
I will try to fill those frame with patience and understanding.

We will have fights and triffs for sure,
Just don't make me leave you nor will I shut the door...
Whatever struggles we may have in the future,
I will stand beside you, that I can assure...

My world is meaningless without your existence.
My life is yours til we grow old..
My lips are only yours to kiss..
My hands are only yours to hold..
My body is only yours to caress..
My love is only yours to keep.

I will never seek for a happy ending
for I never want our love to end.

© girlinwhiteshirt