

I am sorry

I had thought
I would never give any explanations
Cos wheneber i get into it
I lose control over my mind
I lose my patience
But i must tell u
Hurting u was never my ambition
It was all misunderstanding
That led to our fission(break up)
Now i have something to say
U must listen
Lets go
I know m stupid
I create all bullshit
M cause of all tears
That rolled down ur eyes
For years
Sorry for acting so fool
So sorry for being so cruel
I know my words pricked u like mice(rats bites sharply)
Ur deeds were always right
Still i always criticised
In a rush of taking a lead
I always justified my wrong deeds
I forgot its a matter of love
Not a match for shield(victory)
In a urge of having
Cool dude attitude
I was so rude
So robust nd so shrrewd
That i really feel
I was screwd
I know ,i was wrong
I failed to be ur prince charming
Your saviour king kong(as in metaphor)
Still ur presence in my life
Made it melodious like a sufi song
I dont know
Should i love u or should i hate
Should i continue ignoring you
Or should i commit my mistakes
Today m gonna do
Whatever u say
Whatever it takes..
Just gonna hold ur arms
And take ur breathe away
Steal ur heart nd run away
Borrow ur soul
Nd never return it back
Baby girl
today m just gonna cross
All the boundaries
All the limits
All the fences
My life seems so complicated
But your love enhances
Take me into ur arms
Nd make me feel more
breathe less
Lemme go crazy
nd turn me restless
© sonu mishra