

°They found the Same 'Thing' in New York°
“You’re sitting here for quite a long time. What are you thinking about”?
I heard my colleague’s voice and turned to face her.
“NOTHING”. I replied sadly.
“Tell me. Share it with me.” She asked politely.
I sighed heavily and looked at the sky.

"I don't want to think about it or write about it anymore as I am fed up thinking and writing the same thing again and again but something happens everytime that makes me think and write it down to ease my stressing mind. “
I said. She held my hand gently.

“As All the People in the World had already seen that Oppressors attacked hospitals in Gaza claiming there are "Tunnels" under the hospital.
But in this week, we heard a Big Breaking News that is related to USA and in New York there people found out about hidden Tunnels that led to a Local Children Museum and they actually arrested some J*ws as well as suspecting them.”
She just hummed.

“No One in any Western Country would talk about it and they haven't said it yet. If this thing happens in any Mosque or related to Muslims, there will be a Storm on in Mainstream Media and Social Media.
My Q is simple, as they attacked the hospitals and the whole Gaza city making Tunnels as an excuse, will they do the same with New York.”
I asked, having tears in my eyes as I really wanted to get rid of these thoughts from my mind but it didn’t work.

“No, they won't.
Because it's a 'White Thing'.”
She said in a slow tone.

© ~I.B