

Mindful Compassion

In the quiet chambers of the mind we dwell,
Where thoughts like hidden whispers swell.
They bear the weight of hopes and fears,
Creating joy or shedding tears.

But in this realm, we hold the key,
To set our burdened spirits free.
Through self-reflection's gentle grace,
We find the path to a better place.

As mirror to the soul, it shows,
The seeds from which our burdens grow.
We trace them back, those thoughts unkind,
And with understanding, ease the mind.

Yet self alone cannot suffice,
To heal the wounds and break the ice.
Empathy, the bridge we need,
To plant the heart's compassionate seed.

In others' eyes, we glimpse their pain,
Their hidden battles, the mental strain.
With empathy, we mend what's torn,
In the hearts of those who've been forlorn.

Together, we can light the way,
To brighter skies, a brand-new day.
The world transformed by love's sweet art,
Where judgment fades, and we all take part.

So let us journey, hand in hand,
Through self-reflection's fertile land.
With empathy, our guiding star,
We'll make a world more beautiful by far.

© Sunita Saini (Rani)
#loveyouzindagi #explore_happiness
#rani_the_writer #rani #sunita_the_smarty #sunita_saini