

Whispers of Nature
Through all the rythmic instrumental sounds,
A true nature lover could have found
The murmuring sound of the mother nature,
To express joy and sorrow with their creature.

With the rustling sound of leaves oscillating,
And wind passing through them whispering,
A breezy night takes us close to the nature's canvas,
To feel the calmness of pre storm hush.

High pitched chirping of birds in the morning,
Fills our disturbed heart with warm showering .
Sounds of making nests,creating holes in the bark,
Are heard throughout the day and dark.

Swishing sound of falling leaves in autumn,
And a paper like sound while walking on grass,
Heart warming sound of flowing water in river,
All sweet sounds can be heard without a shiver.

But in today's world of industrialization,
Nature is crying with a sad realisation.
Cutting of trees,Global warming and many other things,
Needs to be stopped to make this nature habitable for beings.

Thus with all the sounds of whispering environment ,
World is growing fast towards advancement.
If acidic eyedrops of nature can be stopped with responsibility,
Sweet sounds will remain same with prosperity.
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----- Shiladitya Mondal