

Drop by drop
I dreamt of falling down a well,
A narrow tube, deep beneath the earth,
Dark and moist, I saw a small child,
What’s it trying to tell?
It happens to me all of the time .
It like I travel down a tunnel
Of oblivion
I cant stop
It's just there in my vision
It tends to close in on me
With what I could describe only as heaven
A feeling of pure bliss
No noise not a sound even
But a love so pure and innocent.
It meets me half way
Falling in tune with my heart.
I am the child staring back
At me
Were am I
Where have i just been
The tube of silence
Me and eating me alive
Whole .
My breathe is startled
I have woken
From the dream state
Where now I can
Travel freely
Just like a lost child
Looking to chase every dream
That never was ...
The well I must fill with the Purest of waters
Drop by drop
One simple drop at a time
Until every wish and dream
Is but discovered
In a whole new way of seeing
and doing ...
Where the waters become Crystal clear .
I meet the child
At the end of the tunnel
Where we learn how to dance
Sing and play together
With a rhythm
Of being together
Like never before .
Yet its raw
It's a kinda play date
With the child I ignored
For far to long
In her own song .
The tunnel disappears
Your twin soul
Is staring back at you
Brighter than any light
You can imagine
A light that when your eyes
Are tight shut you can still see It .
Like a glowing child of wonder
Desprate to discover
The whole new meaning of life
She new nothing about .
Until her arms stretched out
Towards the child
That never was .
The child that was almost
Forgotten about
Ceased up in a well that needed filling up with Love .
Time and space
Was ours so we could meet
Face to face again .
Where we would
Readjustment was required
Of both of us
Drop by drop
Until we seen
A bubble of self love on the forefront of both of us .

© amanda ajobrien