

Homemaking is a profession which is unpaid left,
For we the women have always fought and wept!
Weeping at the back of the curtains does not affect the stage drama,
For we must've killed ten-thousand people and God's gifted this as Karma -
Lighting a torch to others' lives,
Is not a job like carrying knives:
We bear children, we workand make a HOME for all,
Yet, at the end of the day we wait for a call!
We do not want to sit on the CURSED throne like you lad!
But if you stop throwing garbs we would be glad.
People say, FEMINISM has spoiled-
But, WE are ruined enough for the morals to uncoil;
Tormented by your molesting touch, we hide our strength -
But when it comes to a war with you we can go to any length!
These WOMEN are yours lovingly mothers, sisters, wives and more,
However, women empowerment now seems to be a folklore!
Eradication or engagement does not workfor the world we're moving to:
Accept us or be ready for the storm that we always give as a clue!!

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