


I'm not a bad person, yet I can't help but feel like one

everyone glares at me when I point out that they're stupid and can do so much better

They act immature and they're 25

I'm 18 and mature....What happened 😕

Maybe I should stay away from everyone because nobody gets me

"You're not fun to be around"

Then what do I have to do...

"You're very loud for no reason"

Says the person who shouts in the halls

"Make some friends!"

I try...But nobody gets me

"Stop judging everyone"

We're all humans...Judging comes naturally to us

"Maybe if you try to smile they'll like you"

My teeth are hideous and smiling is like a difficult task when there's nothing to be happy about

"Have you tried listening to music?"

I do it everyday and nobody cares for my singing either

"Watch a movie!"

Does it look like I have time to watch a movie without still feeling lonely and bored

"I'm all out of ideas to help you!"

You can't help me, Everyday will go wrong

Just accept that today is not your today

No point in laying on the bed

Just close your eyes and be afraid of everyone screaming at you

"Cheer up I'm here!"

You. Are. Me.

if I'm not happy, Then you have no right to be
© dawnfaith