

Fake friends
In shadows they lurk, with smiles so bright,
But beneath the surface, darkness takes flight.
Fake friends they be, with hearts untrue,
Their loyalty wavering, like morning dew.

They'll laugh with you, in moments of glee,
But when the storm comes, they quickly flee.
Their words like honey, dripping with deceit,
Leaving you wounded, feeling incomplete.

They seek their gain, without a care,
Using your trust, like a snare.
But fear not, dear friend, for you are strong,
You'll find your tribe, where you truly belong.

In the journey of life, true friends will appear,
Those who cherish your heart, keeping it near.
So let go of the fake, embrace the real,
For genuine connections, time will reveal.

Remember, my friend, you deserve the best,
Authenticity and love, above the rest.
Fake friends may come, and fake friends may go,
But true friendship's light will always glow.