


People! People!! People!!!
our friends and betrayal
tend to be happy with us
when we succeed
and against us
in times of tribulations
few in adversity, many in riches
only interested in their private desires
hard to find the best of the best
when you do
it seems to be heaven on earth
deceptive, corruptive...
that's their alternative

People! People!! People!!!
one can never tell their principles
their features are not ample
they seem to be altruistic
rather than periodic
they criticize
in times of crisis
some are sycophant
while some are arrogant
like they say...
few in adversity, many in riches
they tend to be stitches
in one's wishes

People! People!! People!!
people change
people re-arrange
people imitate
people dictate
they approach limitations
without redemption
in adversary...
they look at the past
with a blast
saying _ last! last!
We are people!

© Princess Uwaje