

Taking Back Power
I've spent so much time sticking up for you
Making excuses as to why you couldn't help,
or why you didn't answer the door
why you were in a bad mood,
why you didn't want to go anywhere
why you couldn't go out of your way
even for me.
Why I had to carry ten bags of groceries home five on each arm
because you couldn't be bothered to even give me a ride.

I still told myself you loved me, and I don't know why
because you never said it, so even to myself
I had to lie.

How I ended up here almost 30 years later?
More lies. Refusing to look
I haven't enough tears because they've all been cried.
Whatever is left of me now can't distiguish the truth
I'd complain about it, but hell,
What's the use?

So I don't want any crap about what I find interesting, or what I want to do with my time.
I am taking back all my power,
and I will be just fine.

© justright