


From those beautiful smiles to that of sadness,
You told me beautiful lies that filled my heart with gladness.
Eventually nothing lasts forever,
To another girl I promised to say never.

Eventually I fancied another,
Sometimes I still wondered why I was bothered.
In the end she wasn't different from my ex,
This changed me and had extreme effects.

The story continues, I met Jane,
She promised to take away the pain.
Eventually like the rest, we fell off,
I hade to move on though it was tough.

Another came, her name was Nancy,
So wildly in love, it was everything I fancied.
Same ending, I ran as fast I could,
I left with respect, the way I should.

Love at first sight, I met Angela,
Got so interested, I got her an armilla.
That same armilla was the first she removed,
She turned her back and moved.

With some faith, I loved Precious,
She did same despite being so cautious.
"I am not like the rest" she said..
Lol! In the end it was with heartbreak I got paid.

I met Jessica at a birthday party,
The break up?...I had that anxiety.
The chats became fewer,
In the end, we are now status viewers.

The final one, yeah a long time friend,
We caught feelings, I saw no end.
Friends to lovers?.....call it growth...
The friendship and the relationship?...well I lost both.
We hardly talk as she looks with disdain,
I never regretted it, it was a beautiful pain.
Oh my fair Emily,
That smell, that of a lily.

Cupid? ..never again!!!!
Don't you dare!!

Isaac Jimoh Samuel ✍️❤️