

Yes, we are winning every fight ,
reached almost every corner and sight.
But do you think this is right?

Introspection and Retrospection is the need of the hour.
The day is not so far when we will loss every bower.
Who will see this victory when no one is left?
What will be the benefit of the development and technology when the nature is getting damaged recklessly.?

Now .. For 12
Everyone will Keep Quiet.
There will be an exotic moment.
Farmers will look at their hands.
No fisherman will kill any whale.
Everyone will move out putting clean clothes with their brothers walking in shade.

Nature is very kind , but when our actions are not justified .
It will also fight.
And we would have no other option then being a loser.

Don't be so selfish.
Don't be so brutual.

Learn from Mother And follow it being Quiet.

© Chirag Poonia