

Having to deal with a challenge within, something that is hard to address, and you are not sure where to begin. Pen down a poem for the same.

God is love
god is great
bt dont know where he will lead my fate

lt feels so sickening to no end
all it comes to a dead end
life can be busy with nothing
when everyone are busy with their thing

loneliness will hit you first
depression comes at its best
just dont know why do these happen
left with only a bubble to burst

gets a new name psycho
sometime jst a despo
whatever the name suits you
it will change the game for you

with just a blank space in your mind
your brain wont work and
gets worried for nothing

wastes time for no cause
just because we feels so lost
blinded with a sorrow thought

mortal life with immortal soul paves the way to a endless zone
good bye from this selfless zone and
bids goodbye from this poem

© Quaintrelle