

It's been raining for hours,
Admired its misty view from the window,
Could hear the wind and the showers,
While you lay your head on my pillow,
I can hear the thunder and lightning,
It sounds like a horror movie,
The trees are getting angry,
They sway from side to side,
Making their incredible noises,
With their branches waiving to the sky,
The sky looks really dark,
So you cannot see the moon or stars,
People doors are shut tightly,
As some of them looks though the window to see,
What's going on outside,
What's causing all this noise,
That sounds so harsh,
But yet so gracefully,
As I look at you sleeping,
Studying what your dream,
What makes your lip smile,
You look so happy,
I am glad to see you this way,
That peaceful look on your face,
I crawled on the bed beside you,
And rest my arms around you,
As I smile and fall asleep.
© Possibilities