

Time in an Adirondack Chair.
Philosophy of time in an innocence's charm:
A scene of human culture performed by babes (babies), set in the vast expanse of nature,
Time, in physical existence is not the be-all
and end-all,
Time is,, to tether our frail bodily loves to
enduring ideals and hold fast, even if doing so means giving up life,
Ideals of time,,the Real, the True, the Good, and the Beautiful- were to be understood through persistent reflection, which is timely self-examination, which is
timely worth-living,
Time is, one art of which everyone should
master, the art of reflection, only through reflection, self determination possible,
Time, is not just the closer attention to your daimon( divine and human),
Time is, more mystical, more mysterious, Reflection in time is the immediate contact with something beautifully transcendent,
Time, the biography of self-knowledge,
But not the shallow self-help of the twenty-first century, the solipistic quest of a neurotic culture,,BUT rather an attempt to interrupt the neuroses of our society, to
find oneself in nature, and to consider the
possibility that,, the currents of Universal Being circulate through me,,I am part and
particle of God,
Time is, like a bit of megalomania,,as if the only thing in the world that matters is how one feels,,(Time'ss Resurrection).

© Mishra Poonam