

Echoes of Innocence

In the dawn of life, where the sky is light,
Children's hearts take wing in joyful flight.
Eyes wide with wonder, laughter pure and free,
Every moment's magic, a new world to see.

Tiny hands reach out to touch the stars,
Unfettered dreams, no prison bars.
Songs of the soul, so effortlessly sung,
Life's grand symphony, forever young.

But time, like a shadow, creeps on slow,
Planting seeds of doubt in the hearts that grow.
Mounting stresses, a cruel disguise,
Stealing the sparkle from once bright eyes.

The burdens of life, they weigh us down,
Painting our smiles with a solemn frown.
The world grows heavy, the path unclear,
Innocence fades, replaced by fear.

Yet in the darkest night, love finds a way,
A gentle whisper, a guiding ray.
It lifts the weary, heals the broken,
With tender words left unspoken.

Love rekindles the flame that once shone bright,
Reminds us of joy, brings back the light.
In its embrace, we find our song,
A place where hearts, once weary, belong.

Echoes of innocence, they never truly fade,
In the arms of love, we are remade.
For in every soul, a child's heart resides,
Waiting to awaken, where love abides.

So let us cherish the wonder within,
Embrace the joy, let love begin.
For in the end, it's love that saves,
Lighting the path through life's winding maze.