

Title -"A digital ghost,A hollow crowd of six feet under friends."
In the realm of digital dreams, I often scroll through lists of names,
Unaware of the pain that awaited me, like a carefully crafted frame.
My phone, a window to the past, revealed memories of friends so dear,
Now lost to the sands of time, their voices forever silenced, their laughter gone.

In a hollow crowd of expired friends I roam,
Whispers of their names, a haunting tone.
Echoes of our laughter, tears, and fights,
A bittersweet reminder of bygone nights.

In this virtual sphere of contacts, I once knew,
Friends and loved ones, now but a ghostly show.
Their names etched on my screen,as a haunting reminder,
Of the connections lost, like shadows in the mind.

My phone displays some close, yet distant friends,
Who've gone to the other side, where no messages end.
I'll never be able to call, or hear their voice again,
Leaving me with only sadness, and a heart in pain.

Their messages, a burden I can't define,
Guts to delete them, I lack the courage to align.
It seems too final, as if it would erase,
Our entire past together, a life we'd never erase.

As I scan through the endless list of names so fine,
I'm caught off guard by a familiar sign.
My phone displays some dear friends who've passed the line,
Leaving only memories that I can't re-align.

I scroll through them continuously in this list of names,
A digital graveyard, where echo of memories remain.
I'm caught unaware, by those familiar face,
A reminder of loved ones, who've left to their celestial place.

I don't have the guts, to delete their messages,
For fear of erasing, those memories of their presence.
I still keep them stored, like a digital shrine,
A reminder of the love, and the time we shared in kind.

Their smiles, forever frozen in my mind, their jokes, their humor, their grace,
Their presence, a comforting embrace, now reduced to a fleeting trace.
I was flipping through their names, my heart heavy with grief,
The weight of their absence, a burden I cannot relief.

I still scroll through that list, my heart heavy with pain,
Memories of laughter, now but a distant refrain.
Their voices silenced from existence,their presence no more,
Leaving me with only memories to adore.

I reach out, & I know there's no one to hold,
Their absence is a void, a hollowness that's cold.
I'm left with just pleasant dreams, of what have been,
A longing for the past, a yearning for what's been.

Their memories linger, as a bittersweet tale,
A reminder of love, of joy, of laughter and bale.
Their presence may be gone, but their love remains,
A treasure to cherish, a gift that remains.

Their lives, a beautiful tapestry, woven with love and care,
Now torn apart, leaving me with only memories to share.
I hold on to them tight, these digital remnants of the past,
But oh, how I long to hear their voices, to feel their love that will last.

Their faces and stories, once so vivid and bright,
Now fade away, like a fleeting, flickering light.
Their laughter and jokes, their tears and their fears,
All gone, leaving only with empty years.

Their presence, once so strong and so real,
Now reduced to a mere digital feel.
I'm caught unaware, my heart in dismay,
As the list of names slips away, day by day.

Their lives, once so full of hope and light,
Now merely a memory, a distant sight.
I'm left with only the past, no more,
A reminder of what I'll never have in store.

Their voices, once so clear and so loud,
Now all so silent, leaving only a hollow crowd.
I'm left with only my tears to shed,
As the list shows of names, of my friends, who is dead.

Those messages still linger, as a bittersweet refrain,
A reminder of pleasant moments we shared in vain.
I'm torn between the urge to delete and the pain,
Of letting go of memories that remain.

As I scroll through the at-the-limit list of names,
My phone displays some departed from life close friends, it claims.
The memories forever linger, but the names disappear,
Leaving me lost in time, with a heart full of poignant tears.

A nostalgic breeze whispers secrets in my ear,
Of laughter, tears, and whispers, long since clear.
The echoes of what once was, now but a sigh,
As I ponder on memories that refuse to die.

My phone, a window to the past, does reveal,
The ghosts of conversations, that I can't conceal.
Their messages, a bittersweet reminder of what's gone,
A painful nostalgia, that weighs me down, so strong.

My phone, a portal to memories so dear,
A collection of moments, now frozen in fear.
I cannot bring myself to delete,
For doing so would erase our entire past, so neat.

I'm torn between the urge to delete, and the fear,
Of erasing our entire past, and wiping away each tear.
It's as if each message, holds a piece of our heart,
And deleting them, would tear us apart.

But still I hesitate, as the memories linger,
A bittersweet reminder of what we once had to bring her.
Perhaps someday, I too will leave this abode & find the strength to let go,
And erase the messages, that our love once did show.

Until then, I'll hold on, to these memories so dear,
And cherish the moments, that we shared, and hold them near.
For in the end, it's not the messages that define,
But the warmth & amiability we shared, and the memories that are mine.

So I hold on, with a heavy heart,
To the memories of what we once had, and what we'll never be apart.
For in these messages, our love lives on,
A digital ghost, a haunting reminder of what's gone.

I pray to give me the strength to let go, to move on,
To leave the ghosts of our past, forever gone.
But till then, I'll hold on to what's left,
A hollow crowd of expired friends, and the memories we've bereft.

© Aneemkp