

The Story of a Female in South Africa
Here lies a South Africa we all once knew
Here lies someones daughter,mother,sister even niece
Here lies the truth that is due,
Here lies the horrid reality made to come true ,
Here lies a woman to whom a nation was birthed ,

A woman innocent yet cursed,
A woman who from birth was oppressed,
A woman raised to uproot a home,
Somehow always made to feel alone,
A woman made selfless,
A woman now treated worthless,
A woman who in every hour in this South Africa of ours is left breathless

They all lie here amidst us only given praise after death
Tell me now fellow brothers do you care enough to fight and protect?,
To stand up and object?
To cleanse your hands of innocent blood spilt

Over What!?
A body that is mine?
A statement I made?
A lovers quarrel?
Rejecting someones son because they didn't peak my interest?,
Why am I your pawn when you take a shot at incest?,
Why do I have to suffer?

What exactly am I being killed For?
Why do I constantly have to be torn down,abused and more?
Why does my country only fight for a minute and go Silent when many of us End up dead on natures floor.?
She had a childhood,dreams and a family to look forward too but now all she can do is knock on heavens door.

Answer me this
Why can't I strut across the streets of my own country care free?
Why can't I fall in love with my own country men without fearing for my life?
Why cant I leave my own home at night?
Why do I constantly have fear for the men around me?
It's because all I am is nothing as a female in this country

Men constantly sexualise the little we do
Why say : "woman should act the way they used to before they started getting killed?"
It matters not how we act because as long as we have a voice
They'll try to mute us no matter how loud we make the noise

Well my dear South Africans
We're being killed because we are woman
Because we are strong
Because we have found our voices
Because we are beautiful
Because we have found worth in ourselves and because we choose not to settle for less.

You wouldn't utter a BUT
If it were your sister,mother even daughter
Don't have a double standard fight for what's right
Fight for equal rights
Fight against the wide spread of femicide in South Africa

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