

To the Crier, Caelo an Clamare.
I see how hard you tried,
We all know it wasn't your fault.
Crying endlessly as if it wasn't enough;
Caelo cry for we know it's difficult.

A stream of tears fills the valley,
And God's heart can ache,
Even for Caelo's sake,
We all wait for a reckoning.

Weep and willow,
For we are all in deep sorrow.
Cry your eternal tears Caelo,
Let them bleed through the sky!

When they ask why the moon is bleeding,
Simply tell them their time is dawning.
The crystal night becomes serene,
And the whole world turns to famine.

Caelo, the stars you wanted to see,
Are no longer awaiting your escapade.
So those daring tears must be feared,
As they are the death of us all.

© BFlores