

I guess my life was never the same after that moment.
Up until then, I proudly owned it. I use to think I was the best around.
Then my life flipped upside down. Now I must admit, I teetered on the edge. If "LIFE" was a tall building I slept out on the ledge.
My best friends were demons that called me by name. To dangle my vise, in front of my eyes is their vicious game .
Haters created my fame. I stole from the rich and humbly sold it to the poor.
Each night they would call and beg for more. I knew I was messing with Madam KARMA...
Things were starting to flow . But little did I know. I was working for the devil.
My scales of justice definently weren't level. Like a RAT he tossed my life, in order to save his own.
Next thing I know, prison is my new home. But in the end that Concrete Jungle, taught me lessons, I never would've learned on my own.
Looking in the eyes of a "LIFER" surely made you thankful to have a home.
Some people look at me and say "NOOooooo, there's no way..... you've been to prison?" " Did it make you gay? ". Some people are so naive.
Prison doesn't discriminate, nor does it care that you believe.
Noone truly looks at you the same. So, to whomever that may be reading my words. Prison is not a game!!!
If your choices involve commiting crimes, be prepared to stay within the yellow lines. Going to prison surely was a LIFE CHANGING EVENT.
Which forever imprinted a dent, on my wretched soul. I paid my karmic doom.
Every night I prayed, it would all be over soon.... #lifechangingevents
© #Kmaloney726