

His Love wasn't Enough
His love wasn't enough to win her heart
when she liked someone else from the start.

All she wanted was his attention
everything else not to mention.

Thanked her for being in his life
hoping one day as hubby and wife.

Hid his feelings throughout their friendship
of the infatuation he held made his heart rip.

She knew how much he cherished her
avoiding any chances that might occur.

One night he cried for no reason why
with an eerie feeling that will come by.

Out of the blue buying pink roses
right before the flower shop closes.

Included a note... "Always be with you
from a friend that cares & loves you too"

Reserved to be sent on her birthday
on Feb 14th which is Valentine's Day.

Three days before they suffered a crash
the car they droved was totally smashed.

He was close to dead with injuries to his head
but saved her heart when she internally bled.

By donating his heart during operation
on a race against time from devastation.

Received the roses after she fully recovered
mixed with emotions after the note was discovered.

Her tears flowed wishing for him to return
realizing the moments she should have learned.

Even though his love wasn't enough to win her heart
His heart was enough to win her love from the start.

Written in March 13th 2001
© Jerse95