

The Beauty Of Nature
The flowers here have flourished
The birds will sing their songs
Nature is so beautiful
I feel like I belong
Nature all around me
It makes me happy,never sad
I'm thanking Mother Nature for the beauty that She has
I like to live my days like it's the last one that I have
Nature is a force
My senses are aware
Man it tends to blow my mind how much I really care
If Mother Nature's down and out
I want to lend a hand
A life that's dedicated now to helping when I can
Bring people back together
Because love will always win
Planting trees to help us breathe is where we should begin
But you can never win the game if you don't even try
Baby birds must leave the nest
It's fun to watch them fly
Nothing happens by mistake
So I'm not asking why
I love it when the clouds come in
The sky begins to cry
The simple laws of physics, what goes must come down
My eyes are finally open
I see there's beauty all around
For every action there's a reaction
So becareful what you do
Because if what you're doing is bad my friend
It's coming back to haunt you
Karma's not a bitch
if you give it
Then you get it
And if you're screwing people over
Then you're gonna soon regret it
Clouds look like scattered cotton balls
There's an ocean in the sky
And when a person meets an early end
The Heavens start to cry
Nature comes in many forms
My eyes are open wide
I'm somewhere in the middle here
Where good and bad collide
I'm stepping out of the darkness
I no longer have to hide
My rainy days are over
It's the turning of the tide

© 2023 Stephen George