

A letter to a friend..!
Dear friend
I met you as a stranger,but now the bond is stronger.
when I came to school for the first time,with my eyes full of tears.
I saw you smiling like an angel and I was shocked.
your smile made my tears vanish.
There started the journey of two souls.
you were with me in my every moment because my every moment was you.
I never missed my home,when I am with you because you showed me every emotion and every relation.
we did all the crazy things and caught up sometimes,now they became our sweetest memories.
you were my crime partner and also our gang leader.
we climbed the walls as it seemed to be Everests.
we did everything what not.

when I look back,my whole journey was filled with the only you.
Now I am not missing you,
i am missing me who was always with you...
yours loving Friend,
© prathyusha.kaipa(gnanvi)