

A Sketch of Love ❤️
I sit alone with pencil in hand,
Staring at her photo, trying to understand,
Her smile, her eyes, her every feature,
I sketch and erase, and then try to capture.

Each stroke of the pencil, a gesture of love,
As I draw her face, my heart fills up,
With every line, I feel her close,
My love for her, forever it grows.

Sometimes I get lost, staring at her image,
Feeling shy and unsure, like I'm on a pilgrimage,
But then I remember, why I'm doing this,
To show her my love, in a sketch that's bliss.

The special is coming, and I want to give,
A gift of my love, something that will live,
Forever in her heart, forever in her mind,
A symbol of our love, that will always bind.

I sketch and sketch, until my hands ache,
Until every detail is in its rightful place,
And finally, the sketch is done,
A portrait of my love, as beautiful as the sun.

I smile at the creation, so proud the art,
And I can't wait to give it, to the love of my heart,
To show her how much, she means to me,
In a sketch that will forever be.

As we express our love, in ways that are true,
Through sketches, through poems, through all that we do.
For love is an art, that we must all practice,
With every stroke of the pencil, every word that we write,
With every moment that we spend, with the ones we hold dear.

I'll keep sketching, and I'll keep loving,
And I'll keep creating, until the world stops revolving,
For our love knows no bounds,
and my passion is true,
And I'll always be sketching, a portrait of you.

© #Sherlocked