

Ageing Minds.
Behind the barriers of darkness,
A single path is guided with silence,
The mind has craved to walk through the path,
But the baffling thoughts obscure the vision.
Let the silence of contemplation grips the mind,
And permits the clock for a movement backward.
When the ink of purity spreads upfront the view,
The diverse shades of life blend with the soul.
They say,"Age is just a number."
Rather did I choose it as a mode of Consciousness and storehouse of experience.
Liberate the mind from incoherent contretemps,
For now you only pick the virtuous from others
Leaving conformism to the extent of isolation,
Let the ageing mind introspect your soul for some time;
To then, the voids of life will spakle out with intelligence.
© Parthiv Rhythm Das