

Those amazing places
Where the beautiful flowers bloom
And the tallest trees grow
Where the birds perch on
Are the world's wonderful places.

A sky which is always happy
Filled with innumerable stars.
The moon looks like its smiling too.
But under that same sky
Some beings are suffering.

Some of them are hiding from the cold.
Some strays are roaming here and there.
Nobody to take care of them.
They are the real wanderers of the world.
Deserted by everyone.

But nothing feels right.
Not those little frail animals.
Not those kids of my age.
The sun burning them
And the cold freezing them to death.

Life is cruel, I understand.
But people can't be that cruel.
Nothing here is understandable.
Rich people dancing in their fortune.
And the poor ones crying somewhere.

Praying hard for a better tomorrow
But all their prayers in vain.
I won't ask much
But a shelter and some clothes for them.
So that,they can live a better life too.

Pema Lhamo💗