

Navigating the Toxicity of social media

In the realm of social media, a digital domain,
Lies a toxic landscape, causing hearts to strain.
Where words become weapons, and judgments are cast,
Leaving scars unseen, a pain that will last.

Behind the screens, anonymity prevails,
Empathy fades, as civility fails.
A breeding ground for hate, where kindness is rare,
And negativity thrives, poisoning the air.

In this virtual world, comparisons abound,
Feeding insecurities, as self-worth is drowned.
The quest for validation, a never-ending race,
Leaving souls weary, lost in a sea of face.

But amidst the chaos, there's a glimmer of light,
A reminder of hope, shining ever so bright.
For social media's power lies in our hands,
To choose what we share, and where our focus lands.

Let's break free from the toxicity's hold,
Unplug from the noise, let our hearts unfold.
Embrace authenticity, let kindness prevail,
And create a haven where compassion will never fail.

For social media can be a force for good,
Connecting hearts, spreading love as it should.
Let's use it to uplift, inspire, and unite,
To spread positivity, like stars shining at night.

So let us be mindful of the content we share,
And the impact our words have, showing others we care.
In this digital realm, let's strive to be,
A beacon of light, spreading love and positivity.