

"Flames of Freedom: A Revolutionary Journey to Justice"
In a world of darkness and despair,
Where injustice fills the air,
A revolution stirs, a flame ignites,
For freedom's sake, we'll stand and fight.

No need for modern day super powers,
Just courage, unity, and determination for hours,
Hand in hand, we'll break the chains,
And let justice flow through our veins.

With every step, we'll challenge the norm,
Through peaceful protests, our voices will swarm,
A revolution of love, compassion, and might,
As we strive to make the wrongs right.

Together we'll rise, like a phoenix from the ash,
In this fight for justice, we'll make a splash,
No more oppression, no more despair,
Revolutionary spirits, we'll always share.

So let us stand tall, with hearts ablaze,
For justice and freedom, in these revolutionary days,
With love as our guide, we'll pave the way,
To a brighter future, where justice will stay.
© Saqib Sarwar Mir