

It is inside of us and outside of us.
An answer no one often shares with us
But what does it mean, really?
Our hearts? Our intuition? Our thoughts?
No, your spiritual connection with the One.

The God of ALL Creation
He whom gave us his only begotten son.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom we give all Glory!

He who teaches us about what we lost
The Kingdom of Heaven - Dominion.
"It is inside of us and outside of us"
He who instructs to go into the world and make a change, so people can be brought to repose and love.

We are not doing this for your "spot" in Heaven because Heaven is where we've come
But for a "spot" in the Kingdom of God here on Earth for you to live in your royal rights.

For us to influence the world systems with truth and light, which we are blind to.
I am no preacher but I share my truth and those who know and follow it will help share it with those who thirst for it, in truth.

And yes, it can't be everyone.
For it has been written which side the majority will be on, we just want to secure the few by doing out best through the Holy Spirit who helps even us to stay in the path of righteousness.

The seeds are scattered, I wonder which kind of soil they fall on...

© Kagiso Mokokosi