

On damn fire: Chapter I

Blooming brightly on blaze, a wildflower
Looming in my- perhaps her darkest hour
Twirling on cloud, her fire storm rain down
A fallen angel on fire, alone among the crown

A phoenix wild, out of her damned cage
Self destruction, beautiful, those cold eyes of rage
Wild edges abrupt black flames, her wings lit
This desire drawn, I can't bare it, I can't help it

"Stare just long enough, you'll be drawn to dread
Like cigarettes, you'll be blown off to ashes" she said
"Like the last two dude neath me failed to bare
Why cross the ring, tell me! a fool wouldn't dare"

"Why love some wasteland, you don't understand!
Why a desert of flaws, are you blinded by the sand"
"Castaways lost in their darkest hour. 'Why' you ask
Why not get lost, loving behind that worn out mask"

Ice of a heart melts to the spark amidst
Her warm mischief smirk, "To my end you're a twist,
Promise once you burn with me u won't regret"
A perfect curse, a perfect night not to forget
© Humzee sparrow