

....and the Jasmine died !!
A tiny seedling came out of the soil
Gradually taking height and taking its shape
Adding to the beauty of the nearby landscape
A pinkish-white flower it then just bore
Day after day the flowers grew more n more
It was now in its stage of full bloom
Looking stunning and had a smell of perfume
But, one day the fate that the poor jasmine met
After a cloudburst it started lashing down and the soil got immensely wet
The winds and storms that it faced took all its beauty which it had preserved
Such a bad luck the poor jasmine did not deserved
All the flowers fell off the orchid
Its slender curved body became twisted n distorted
The leaves lost its colour ----- it was looking lifeless, sick and frail
Although, it had a touch of so-called life
But, its beauty, charm was cut down by natures knife

© shaz