

Avoid that Void - Possibilities
Poems are at times hapless
Dried tears for the hopeless
Poets are never the loveless
Dreamer dream as harmless

Words inked as a complaining
Lines searched for a meaning
Mind unhooked a demeaning
Fate sealed them 'explaining'
Heart settled with remaining...

Feelings flowed like intangible
Memories stained as indelible
Ending lured tears of ineffable

Each step traces to relapse
Even a 'pause' is a collapse
Every voids filled with gaps

Past made present in upsets
present made future distress
Future made past to regrets

Up until our realities collide
Desire of fate left to decide

Is it why human minds are for?
To worry what if I open a door?
When I've gotten past the floor?

A few scribble to the imperfect
A few smile, nicer than indirect
A few mistakes, for the intellect

A few of the few is never new..

A few😌

The few😉

not The few😊

© Prakash JR