

Wise Choices, Wide Smile ☺
Young was my age,
When i was cornered with choices,
It would gamble my future, yet i was blind,
Today, after years i set sail to find,
Where should i settle?
Where shall i rest?
What's is my path for the gate of success?

To chain a steth around my neck,
Scent of aspirine surrounds my space,
Sleep and beverage i always lack,
Struggle over death was mine to face.

Years might take to meet that fate,
Bruises and cuts i simply hate,
With no patience i shall rain wrath,
Truth to be said, this ain't my path.

Number and symbols were infinite,
Pages of steps cramped in head,
Shiny clean hands were indefinite,
Milling followed upon weld and lathe.

Nightmare in day, that was maths,
Xand Y's are not mine to count,
Physics scared me worse than bats,
Critical thoughts are struggles to mount.

Decisions were simple for one's don't make,
A day or week it might even take,
Answer was bound to gamble my time,
A slight fault could haunt me for more than lifetime.