

My eyes burn from sunshine and artificial light
My chest aches with a hollow and sharp pain
My mind feels like a thousand planes soaring over me
But my thoughts are somewhere else, I'm afraid

Your lips are too pale and light for your liking
And you say that your nose is much too big
But I have a lot of irrational insecurities as well and
You're the prettiest girl I've ever laid my eyes on

When I start to shake and cry you hold me tighter
And in your arms I think I can finally breathe
But we've got tons of work to do way too soon
And we can hug each other some other time

When the wind blows it makes your nose so rosy
And your smiles get wider with your laughs
And even though I'm jacketless and barefoot
I only want you to be warm and nothing less

My jeans don't fit like they're supposed to now
And it's too cold for my skirts or denim shorts
I guess I'll wear PJs and scarves until late April
And I know you'll still be your usual hot mess

And somehow I always fall asleep on you
Late at night or sometimes even day
And I know you've gotta leave sooner or later
But I hope you'd stay with me anyways
© Alexis Barton

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