

Here's a poem of heartbreak,

"A Thousand Shards of Sorrow"

In the depths of my soul, a chasm wide,
A heavy heart, where love once resided.
Now, a hollowed space, a void so vast,
Echoes of memories, forever to last.

Like shattered glass, our love lies in pieces,
A thousand shards of sorrow, piercing my heart's releases.
Each fragment a memory, a moment in time,
A bittersweet reminder of what could never be mine.

Your touch, a flame that once warmed my skin,
Now a distant memory, a fleeting thought within.
Your voice, a melody that harmonized my heart,
Silenced now, leaving only a haunting depart.

In this desolate landscape, I wander alone,
Searching for solace, a place to call my own.
But like a mirage, hope vanishes in thin air,
Leaving me with nothing, but a deep despair.

Time, a thief, stole our love, our laughter, our tears,
Leaving me with just a whisper of all the years.
Regret, a shadow, that follows me still,
A constant reminder of what I could never fulfill.

In this agony, I'm lost, unable to find,
A way to heal, to leave the heartache behind.
For in loving you, I gave my all,
And now, I'm left with nothing, but a hollowed wall.

Yet, even in sorrow, our love will remain,
A bittersweet reminder of the joy and the pain.
For in the depths of my soul, a spark remains,
A flame that flickers still, a love that refuses to wane.

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