

Coheirs With Christ
In the depths of faith, a promise divine,
We stand as heirs, in the grand design,
Coheirs with Christ, our spirits elate,
In His redemption, our destinies await.

Through trials and triumphs, our souls find rest,
With Christ as our anchor, we are truly blessed,
United in suffering, His glory we share,
Coheirs with Christ, in His love we declare.

Though hardships may come, we won't be dismayed,
For His inheritance, forever shall pervade,
Enduring with patience, steadfast and true,
Coheirs with Christ, we shall see it through.

For if we suffer, we'll also partake,
In His victory, a divine exchange,
With Him, we're united, forever entwined,
Coheirs with Christ, in His grace we find.

No earthly treasure can ever compare,
To the riches of heaven, His love we share,
In eternal union, our spirits take flight,
Coheirs with Christ, in His radiant light.

So let us embrace this truth deep within,
The glorious heritage, we're destined to win,
In God's vast kingdom, our places secure,
Coheirs with Christ, forevermore, for sure.
© Christopher Obeng-Manu (Christborn)