

Farewell To Love
You brought sparkles, you brought light
You made me giggle like a little child.
When you smile, I saw love in your eyes
I thought fate had some plans for you and I

You were my baby, my sweetheart
In your arms, I found a better half
But here we stand, at the crossroad
Bidding one another painful goodbye

The ache in my heart is deep
I suck at saying goodbyes.
Goodbye to the love that was never mine
Goodbye to everything I wish would last.

I feel broken, but not betrayed.
I love you still but in a different way.
I have no hate, only questions;
"Why Me? Why us? Why now?"

Maybe I'll heal, maybe not.
Maybe fate has plans for me,
But I'm too blind to reason.
This mystery, my misery.

Perhaps, one day, I pray
Love will come knocking
With a gift of a better half
Who never will leave my side.

© Ebenezer O. Akinrinade