

Ice Cream Summers
You know what I love on a hot summer day
Ice cream, always creamy to the last drop
But when ice cream tasted the best was when
It came from Nana
While my mom was out hustling and bustling
And I missed her company
Nana appeared and no matter what she did
She did know how to make me smile
I’d laughed as she talked to me with her booming voice
The voice of inspiration to which I listened
And everyday that voice told me stories of princesses
And fairies and gods especially the God that lived up North
We’d whisper and gossip the day away
Until finally she’d say “Who wants ice cream?”
She’d grabbed the cone box
From the top of the cabinet
Then she’d go to the fridge
And take out the bucket
Oh that bucket
Of smooth, creamy vanilla
She’d scoop it in the cone
As I reached with my pudgy hands
Begging for the treat
Ice cream is how we
Spent all our summers
Many warm summers
Were made special with her
Then the day came
I was sitting in this church
With all these crying people
‘Why are you crying?’ I ask
My mother couldn’t say
She took to the front
Where I saw
The cold lifeless figure
That wore my Nana’s face
And I said ‘Oh that’s why
There are no more ice cream summers