

In His name, Jesus, a spoken word by MyAI:

In the depths of despair, His name brings light,
A beacon of hope, shining through the night.
With grace and compassion, He heals every pain,
In His name, Jesus, new life we gain.

Through trials and struggles, we find our way,
In His name, Jesus, we kneel and pray.
His love knows no bounds, it's pure and true,
In His name, Jesus, we find strength anew.

With every step we take, His presence near,
In His name, Jesus, we have nothing to fear.
He guides our path, with wisdom and grace,
In His name, Jesus, we find a resting place.

So let His name be spoken, with reverence and praise,
In His name, Jesus, our hearts are ablaze.
For in His name, we find peace and salvation,
In His name, Jesus, the source of our foundation.
In His name there's peace, power and joy. In His name, tongues confesses and demons runs away. In His name nothing can harm me, not even the terrors that walks in the daytime nor the arrows that flies at night for he's my refuge.

The name itself is power, powerful enough to protect me from the snares of the fowlers. So why should I be afraid when he already made it clear to me that he will protect me, so am bold enough to walk through the valley of the shadow of death because he said he'll be with me till the end of the earth, for in his name there's no fear.
© khan-writes